How Do They Test for Diabetes

There Are Test Kits Available for Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels and Determining if You Have Prediabetes or Diabetes. This Is how They Function, Diabetes at-home testing monitors A1c and may assist in identifying patients who have prediabetes or diabetes but are unaware of it. They may also aid in the management of diabetic treatment strategies.

There are two kinds of tests: mail-in and point-of-care. Susan Renda, nurse practitioner and certified diabetes educator at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, MD, strongly advises you to contact your health care physician to discuss the findings and build a plan for the future, regardless of the kind of test you use or the results.

What Are Diabetes Self-Home?

Hemoglobin, a protein found on red blood cells, transports sugar throughout the body. Everyone has sugar connected to their hemoglobin, although the quantity varies. A greater blood sugar level indicates that more sugar is bound to hemoglobin.Diabetes at-home tests assess hemoglobin A1c, often known as A1c. This metric indicates the proportion of red blood cells that have sugar-coated hemoglobin. Renda describes it as your "red blood cell tells a story about the sugar around it."

Your A1c is the average of your blood glucose levels over the previous two to three months. This sort of test is important for identifying persons who are at risk of getting diabetes or who already have diabetes but are unaware of it.A1c levels of less than 5.7% are considered normal. A1c between 5.7% and 6.4% implies prediabetes, whereas A1c more than 6.5% indicates diabetes.

Diabetes home testing are also beneficial for diabetics. It enables them to assess the effectiveness of their diabetic treatment plan. Because your A1c is only good for 2 to 3 months, it should not be used to modify treatment programs on a regular basis. Make use of your glucometer for this.Diabetes patients often test their A1c two to three times a year. While everyone's A1c goal is different, having an A1c of more over 7% puts you at risk for diabetic complications.

Who Should Use Diabetes Self-Test Kits?

With many Americans unaware that they have prediabetes or diabetes, Renda suggests that those who are feeling great yet have risk factors for developing diabetes consider being tested.

"Perhaps you go to a family reunion and you're listening to everyone and you find out like half your relatives have diabetes," she said. And you're like, oh, I'm OK. I haven't been checked in a long, but I'm intrigued."

Diabetes, according to Renda, may be detected with routine care, such as visiting to the dentist or having your eyes examined. People who do not have access to health care, particularly primary care, may benefit from diabetes home testing.

When Should You Have Your Blood Sugar Tested?

When you should test your blood sugar depends on the kind of diabetes you have and whether you take diabetic medicines. Your doctor will advise you on how often you should test. Blood sugar levels are often measured as follows:

  • Before you eat or drink anything, do this first thing in the morning.
  • 2 hours before and 2 hours after a meal
  • Before going to bed

A glucometer is the most accurate method to monitor your blood sugar at home.

Glucometers, often known as blood sugar monitors, are excellent for monitoring your blood sugar levels at home throughout the day. They provide you with real-time data on how effectively you're regulating your blood sugar levels.You may find that some meals raise your blood sugar, while missing lunch causes it to go dangerously low. This data might help you and your doctor alter your treatment strategy to prevent hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. To show your health care provider during visits, keep a diary of your readings and the time they were taken on paper, in an app on your phone, or kept in your glucometer.

What Factors Can Influence Home Blood Sugar Tests?

There are several glucometers available on the market. Whatever you choose, be sure you read the directions carefully. The first step in getting an accurate reading is understanding how to use it correctly. Other variables that might influence the outcome include:

  • Using test strips that are out of date or have been incorrectly kept. The life of test strips is reduced when they are kept at high temperatures or in places with significant moisture. Closing the test strip vial after each use may assist to avoid this.
  • Failure to wash your hands before testing. Hand washing with warm, soapy water prevents food contamination such as cookies or sweets from providing a misleading high reading.
  • Temperature. Being chilly may reduce blood flow to your skin. While most individuals collect blood using their fingertips, others may utilize another place, such as their forearm. If you use a different test location, your findings may be less reliable if your body is chilly.
  • There are issues with the meter. Your meter may display error warnings. If you get an error notice and need assistance troubleshooting it, contact the manufacturer.

Knowing Your Blood Sugar Levels Is Critical

Your blood sugar level will fluctuate throughout the day depending on what you eat and how active you are. According to the CDC, a typical blood sugar range before a meal is 80 to 130 mg/dL and less than 180 mg/dL two hours after a meal.

When your blood glucose levels rise over the usual range, you are at risk of getting hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.


Hyperglycemia happens when your blood sugar level is excessively high, either because you have too little insulin or because your body does not react to insulin as it should (a condition known as insulin resistance). Hyperglycemia may be caused by stress, illness, and particular eating choices. When your blood sugar is excessively high, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Blurry vision
  • Urinary frequency has increased.
  • Infections that do not cure or heal slowly
  • Feeling very weary or thirsty
  • Even when you've eaten, you're always hungry.
  • Weight reduction


Most people consider blood sugar levels below 70 mg/dL to be dangerously low. It may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Shakiness, drowsiness, or dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Hunger
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Headache

Hypoglycemia can happen if someone takes too much insulin, drinks too much booze, works out too much, or doesn't eat. Hypoglycemia may have dangerous effects. So, it needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

What Influences Accuracy?

Certain factors, according to Renda, might impair accuracy. For example, "if someone has a blood disorder, it's not going to be as accurate." Other factors that may have an impact on A1c readings include:

  • Anemia of severe severity
  • The illness of the liver
  • Kidney disease
  • Several drugs
  • Transfusions or blood loss
  • Pregnancy, whether early or late

Before testing, Renda advised confirming the kit's expiry date. Using an expired kit might reduce the precision of your findings. Inability to execute the technical tasks necessary or comprehending how to do each phase of the exam might also have an impact on accuracy.

Frequently Asked Question

How can I know if I have diabetes?

A blood test is the most accurate technique to establish whether you have type 1 diabetes. There are many procedures available, including an A1C test, a random blood sugar test, and a fasting blood sugar test. They are all effective, and your doctor may advise you on which is best for you.

Is diabetes difficult?

Diabetes management may be difficult. You may feel overwhelmed at times. Diabetes requires you to check your blood sugar levels often, eat nutritious foods, stay physically active, remember to take your medication, and make other health-related decisions numerous times each day.

What color is diabetic urine?

If you have diabetes insipidus, you will continue to urinate significant volumes of watery (diluted), light-colored urine when you would ordinarily pee just a little quantity of concentrated, dark yellow urine.